17 Days of Benny – Day 2

Day 2:  Month 2

Benny was born at the perfect part of the summer.  I was so lucky to be able to enjoy time off with both children and be able to be outdoors.  In Benny’s second month of life he was able to enjoy his first circus, Fourth of July and his first Father’s Day.  For Father’s Day we traveled down to Long Island with my sister’s family so that Benny could meet my father and my other sister.

At that point, Benny was putting on the weight and was a fantastic sleeper.  We hit some record heat days in his second month of life, but he was still as chill as ever.  Darcy was born with so much piss and vinegar that Benny was a breath of fresh air.

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Author: sheriroaf

Sheri Roaf is the mother of four wonderful children who turned to blogging after her 17 month old son Bennett passed away unexpectedly. Through her writing she has found a way to help herself and her family move forward in the face of tragedy.

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