Empty Arms

I’ve been realizing that I have two hands again. I have just recently realized that my arms are empty. Sure Benny was walking and doing his own thing, but he was still getting picked up and held (mostly as I was chasing him or trying to get him off of something). I have arms that ache to hold my toddler.

I really miss that feeling, of having someone in my arms while trying to do a million other things, ‘octopus mom.’ I hate the fact that I have two hands to fill the dishwasher, or carry laundry up and down the stairs.

When I’m around other toddlers and babies I need my fix. I need to smell that baby smell, feel their soft skin and snuggle with their rolls. I cherish my time with Evie and Rory and every other little one that I’m so blessed to have in my life. I would carry Darcy around, but she’s too big now (which I hate).

I spent so much time looking forward to my kids being independent, that now that Darcy is, it sucks. She’s going into 1st Grade! Why must she grow up? I hate this.

Author: sheriroaf

Sheri Roaf is the mother of four wonderful children who turned to blogging after her 17 month old son Bennett passed away unexpectedly. Through her writing she has found a way to help herself and her family move forward in the face of tragedy.

2 thoughts on “Empty Arms”

  1. So sorry Sheri….I can imagine it’s so hard to have this feeling. We always wish for things but then when you have them you realize how much you wish you didn’t. You’ll have to come hold Rory this weekend before your trip.


    1. So glad I got my ‘Rory time’ in before the big trip! As always, thank you guys for just being amazing! We’re very lucky to have you in our lives.


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